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Message By Mr Azeem:

what started out as a simple dream, has blossomed into a beautiful reality. In 2007, we envisioned a way of providing direct support to the Youth of Pakistan. Words cannot begin to elaborate on the amount of respect, gratitude, and sincere appreciation we have for each and every one of you. We hope for nothing more than to hold hands, to walk together towards a better future.

Zest Consultants offer students from Pakistan the chance to study abroad, improve their language skills and widen their horizons. We have placed over 1000 students in various International Colleges/Universities around the globe. We strive to offer our students the best advice and education available and to support them in every step of the way.

after successfully gaining a Master’s degree from an Australian university, I understand that having the support to make the right academic choices makes all the difference. Individual or collective. Our team includes Australian graduate, QEAC, ICEF and British Council trained Counsellors, and we are officially recognized as Study Co. partner agency. Many of our staff is multilingual, allowing our students to communicate effectively with our teams. Aside from highly accredited and experienced staff, we partner with universities and colleges to ensure that our students enjoy a smooth transition into higher education. With Hope, Blessings, and a Heartfelt Thanks,

Azeemuddin Memon

Message by Mr. Kamlesh:

Our world is facing unprecedented changes and challenges in the 21st century. We need students and teachers who can tackle the complex cultural, economic, creative, and ecological of our time. I know they are up to it. And I want to help. That’s the work I invite everyone to discover and build with me.

My Journey started as an Australian student, studying abroad in a different country seems like a different world & hard at the same time. Hence, I decided to pursue my Career helping my people who will be walking the same path which eventually lead me to be a Professional Counselor.

Improving our students experience and graduate outcomes remains a top priority for Zest. We have a very well managed student support team which helps them to land smoothly in their destined University.

We are thankful that in these past years, our organization has had the opportunity to work with capable, committed partners in the international sector.

Thank you for your support, and, remember, together we can make the world a better place.

Kamlesh Kumar

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NSW 2619, Australia
Manhattan, NY

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